Occupational Safety and Health Online Certificate Program

The UConn Occupational Safety and Health
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program is a focused series of five (5) online credit courses taught by UConn faculty who are experienced practitioners in the OSH field. Paul Bureau, a faculty member who is Program Director of the OSH Certificate Program, has more than 30 years working in the field as an OSH professional.

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester: June 17
Spring Semester: Nov. 10
Summer Semester: April 12

Apply early to avoid last minute processing delays.

SA map

State Authorization This online program is authorized in all 50 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Click here for more information.

Occupational Safety and Health Online
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program

"The estimated number of occupational safety and health professionals needed in coming years is substantially higher than the number coming out of training programs."

- National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (NACOSH) 1

Planning to enter the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) field? Recently asked to take on take on new OSH responsibilities? Either way, you've come to the right place—at the right time!

The fact is, jobs in the Occupational Safety and Health field are plentiful—yet the number of qualified candidates lags behind. So if you're considering making a career change, go for it—chances are you'll find multiple job opportunities for which you're qualified once you earn your Occupational Safety and Health Online Post-Baccalaureate certificate from the University of Connecticut (UConn), a top 25 Public University.

What if you're already working and your manager decides you're the best person to wear your employer's OSH hat, even though you may lack the skills? Choose this UConn online program and you'll get the solid foundation you need to assume your new responsibilities with confidence.

This 15-credit online certificate program offers three required core courses with a selection of up to six additional elective courses from which you choose two.

1 McAdams M, Kerwin J, et al. National Assessment of the Occupational Safety and Health Workforce. 2011:19.

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester: June 17
Spring Semester: November 10
Summer Semester: April 12

Apply early to avoid last minute processing delays.