Timeline and Fees

Important Note: If you are applying to certain residency specialties, including Obstetrics and Gynecology, Plastic Surgery, or certain programs in Anesthesiology, please see Support for ResidencyCAS and CentralApp Residency Application Services for information on how ECFMG can support your application.


Start researching your programs of interest. The Residency Explorer tool allows you to research programs in 25 specialties and compare your characteristics to those of applicants who previously matched to those programs. You can also search the American Medical Association's FREIDA and Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) websites for program information, or view the AAMC's list of participating specialties and programs .

Review the eligibility requirements for participating in ERAS and the NRMP Match, and for U.S. state medical licensure.

Residency Tokens are available. Obtain your ERAS Token in the ERAS Support Services section of ECFMG’s OASIS.

Register with your Token at AAMC’s MyERAS website . Once you have registered, start submitting your supporting documents. See Submission At-a-Glance for information on methods for submitting ERAS documents and the associated processing times.

Start approaching your letter writers to secure letters of recommendation; documents should be uploaded no later than September 17 in order to be transmitted to programs on September 25.

On September 4 at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time in the United States, you may begin applying to programs.

Programs will not have access to review applications until September 25 at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time in the United States. All applications submitted September 4 through September 25 will appear to programs as submitted on September 25. ERAS Support Services at ECFMG highly recommend that you submit all of your supporting documents, including Medical Student Performance Evaluations (MSPEs), no later than September 17 to help ensure their availability on September 25 when programs begin accessing applications.

Registration for the NRMP Match opens on the NRMP website .

Programs can begin accessing applications at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time in the United States.


NRMP Match standard registration deadline. (You may register after this deadline, but you will be required to pay an additional late registration fee to the NRMP.)

NRMP Match registration and Rank Order List (ROL) Certification deadline.

Match week begins.

Match day.

MAY 31
MyERAS application closes, ending current ERAS season.

Residency training begins.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Dates are subject to change. You should verify all dates directly with the appropriate organization. For detailed information, refer to the 2025 Main Residency Match Applicants Calendar and the AAMC Timeline - Residency Applicants .


There are fees associated with the services provided by ECFMG, AAMC, and NRMP. You must ensure that you satisfy all fee requirements; otherwise, a hold may be placed on your MyERAS application and NRMP activities, and ECFMG will not process your requests.

Important Dates

All times shown are Eastern Time in the United States.


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[Last update: July 19, 2024]

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